Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Leucistic Cory's shearwater chick on the Madeira Archipelago

Tenho o prazer de partilhar convosco que estas 3 fotos foram publicadas no site Wildlife Extra. Aqui fica a noticia:

Leucistic Cory's shearwater chick on the Madeira Archipelago

Leucistic Cory's shearwater chick photographed by Ricardo Rocha on the Madeira Archipelago

Ricardo Rocha sent us some pictures of a young leucistic Cory's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea borealis) photographed during fieldwork of the project "Atlantic ocean-wide changes in sea surface temperature and trends on Cory's shearwater foraging success, migration and population dynamics", (Click here to read more) on Selvagem Grande, a small portuguese island located mid-way between the Madeira and Canary Archipelagos.

Ricardo says "To the best of my knowledge this was the second observation of a leucistic individual for the species, and the first on Selvagem Grande, home to the world's largest Cory´s shearwater colony."

Cory's shearwaters breed on islands and cliffs on Atlantic islands off the north coast of Africa and in the Mediterranean. They nest on open ground among rocks. In late summer and autumn, most birds migrate into the North Atlantic, sometimes appearing on te coasts of Great Britain and Ireland.

The photos were taken in September 2008, credit Ricardo Rocha.


Unknown said...

Parabéns pela divulgação!! :)

Luis Ferreira said...

Muito nice!
Mais uma vez estás de parabéns.